Saturday, 2 June 2012

KJ does it for Englund

Lennart Akervall may have made his exit from the Main Event but good friend Toni Englund lives on thanks to a double up in the last few moments.

The Swede was at risk versus the double average stack and 9♣9♦ of Bartosch Maciejek with K♥J♥ and the Ace high flop wasn't any help. Fortunately for Englund, the King arrived on the turn and helped keep his hopes alive, while putting a dent in his rival's tower.

That trend continued for Maciejek, who was forced to make a big lay down on the final hand before the break, flashing only an Ace - only to be shown a stone cold bluff by his rival.

Worse off are Mark Jakab and Bastian Bluem, the Czech exiting a short while ago to disappoint his four Fantasy Poker owners and Bluem losing a race with 77 vs AJ.

Here's a rough chip count at the second break:

Rafal Lubczynski - 260,000
Bartosch Maciejek - 100,000
Ilios Kamatakis - 70,000
Peter Csecsetka - 70,000
Susanne Jensen - 69,000
Peter Horvath - 40,000
Christian Schulz - 30,000

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