Sunday, 1 May 2011

Two tables to return on Day 3

The target for Day 2 was set at two tables, but only 17 players will return for the final battle for PPT Madrid glory after a pair of late eliminations.

Level 17 - with blinds at 4000/8000 with an 800 ante - will welcome our players back but Ernesto Rosendo, Alexandro Herrando, Jose Belinchon and Emilio Beldarran will not be among them.

If ever there was a lesson in chip and a chair poker, Herrando provided it after finishing 20th for a €1,250 payday despite entering Day 2 as the shortest stack in the room. Nice work Alexandro!

A full chip count will be on the blog before Day 3 shuffles up and deals, but for now we have a selected count before we bid you goodnight.

Rough/Selected Chip Count

Srini Thavarajah - 341,300
Robert Haigh - 300,000
Nacho Guerra - 170,000
Casper Engelien - 146,500
Bastian Bleum - 61,400

1 comment:

  1. GO ROBBY!!!
    GO CASPAR!!!

    Team Germany is kicking AAAAAASSSSSSSS (and Ace :)


