The PP blog is delighted to announce that the ParadisePoker Tour will be making a quick return to
one of our most popular stops - as
the Concord Card Casino in Vienna plays host from March 28th-April 1st.
Having attracted two of the three biggest fields in
ParadisePoker Tour history, the Austrian capital needs little introducing to our blog readers - but the second visit requires a little explanation (just for you).
Due to matters beyond our control, plans to to hold the fourth leg of PPT3 in another city had to be cancelled at the last minute, forcing us to look at alternatives. Given its previous success, Vienna was the obvious choice.
Sweetening the deal this time around will be a live satellite for the final stop of PPT3 and a host of other novelty ways to win a free package to Greece in May.
Couple that with the traditional €125,000 Guaranteed Main Event, side
events and 24-hour cash games - as well as a new venue for the Players' Party - and we're all set for another great weekend in Austria!
If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch on Twitter, where you'll find us under @ParadisePoker.